






Spring has sprung and I am truly feeling the happiest i’ve been in a while. There’s just something about being able to work from my porch, taking walks without a jacket, and driving with the windows down that makes my heart feel full. Spring also happens to be my favorite weather for fashion. In the winter you need too many layers, fall just leads in to winter, and summer is too damn hot (sweating every day? i’m good thanks). Spring is truly my cup of tea.

Home Page, Outfits

April 24, 2017

Striped Ruffle Romper

Every time a new season rolls around, I get really excited thinking about all of the new styles that the weather allows. While i’d love to go out and get a new wardrobe every time, that’s simply not feasible or financially friendly haha. I’m sure I speak for the vast majority when I say that even buying a few things for the upcoming season can break the budget.

Trying to be a conscious adult and make smart financial decisions (lol), I decided to try & find some budget friendly options that could allow me to grab some new season styles without draining my bank account. Let me let you in on a little secret, 80% of the time when you see people wearing expensive things, they were absolutely discounted in some way. I mean really, who can afford to (or want to) spend hundreds of dollars on a dress?

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I adore a good splurge (helloooo handbags & shoes), but most of the time i’m a bargain shopper. There’s just something that feels so good about getting a good deal you know?

Home Page, Outfits

April 20, 2017

5 Favorite Style Picks for Spring (on a Budget)!

Big scarves, (comfy) jeans, over the knee boots, and a long turtleneck sweaters have been my go-to outfits all season long. They’re warm, comfortable, and easy enough to mix & match to the point where you can basically wear them every day without anyone noticing hahah. While winter can be charming thinking about cozying up, i’m honestly over it at this point. The spring weather is calling my name and I really just can’t wait to sit outside in the sun.

Home Page, Outfits

March 14, 2017

Simple Go-To Winter Uniform

Hi guys! Today, i’m back with my favorite avocado toast recipe EVER. While avocado toast is always a classic, this Spicy Cilantro combo is unlike anything you’ve ever tried. It’s spicy, salty, cool, and buttery tasting all at the same time. Simply give this combination once and you’ll be hooked; take my word for it.

While avocados are always a tasty addition to any dish, avocados + hot spices = a heavenly sensation. In this recipe, the light and cool flavor of the avocado pairs perfectly with the heat of the hot sauce & chili powder. Serving as a great source of healthy fat, avocados are a food that everyone should be incorporating into their diet in some way. While they’re super easy to eat due to being delicious, they’re also great for your skin, hair, and improve your digestion. Add this 5 minute toast into your weekly rotation and reap all of the delicious benefits avocados have to offer!

Breakfast, Food, Home Page, Snacks, Snacks + Sides

March 12, 2017

Spicy Cilantro Avocado Toast

hot sauce on cilantro avocado toast

When I was younger, my mom always bought me girly clothes. I gotta admit, she had good style. Even when I look back at pictures, I always wish I could transport those clothes into the future in my current size hahah. My mom was so committed, she even went as far as making hair bows for every outfit out of ribbon, hair ties, and hot glue; it was impressive. When I started picking out my own clothes however, I became a hugeee tom boy.

Home Page, Outfits

March 8, 2017

Pretty in Pink

Hi guys! Today i’m back with another simple DIY. While i’m definitely a fan of big projects, a lot of times I like making small things that don’t take a lot of time. This DIY is super easy, and requires things that you probably have laying around your house. When I saw these old school coke bottles, I knew that there was a cute way to use them. You can use any bottles that you have laying around or purchase some at Goodwill for a few dollars.

Home Page, Lifestyle

March 4, 2017

Coke Bottle Flower Vase DIY

I looooove snacking. I’m 100% one of those people that eats when they’re bored and pretty much thinks about food all day long hahah. The other day someone at work looked at me and said “literally every time I see you you’re eating” LOL. Should I take that as a compliment orrrr? 😉

Because I love to always have food in hand haha, over the years i’ve learned that I had to find some healthy snacks. These chickpeas are my GO TO. I swear I go through a couple cans a week, they’re soo addicting! This simple snack takes less than 15 minutes to come together, and only 3 of those are prep time! The rest is just for cooking. I KNOW you’re going to love them!

Food, Home Page, Sides, Snacks + Sides

February 27, 2017

Sweet n’ Spicy Roasted Chickpeas

Recently i’m so addicted to all things bell sleeved and ruffled. I know it’s getting to the point where I should probably stop buying them because I have too many similar tops, but it’s genuinely addicting. This top is sooo versatile, comfortable, and easy to wear. I love those kind of shirts that make an outfit without even trying. They’re like the perfect hack to having a put together look while maintaining being incredibly lazy hahaha. It’s the perfect balance if I do say so myself.

Fashion, Home Page

February 23, 2017

Ruffle Obsession

Have you ever loved something so much that you just can’t pass it up? I’m like that with dessert. I could definitely give up regular food & eat salad everyday until forever if I was always allowed to eat sweets afterwards. If someone brings pizza over I could care less, but donuts or cookies? I’m in.

Because of my massive sweet tooth, i’ve been trying to find healthy desserts that i’m able to indulge in every day without feeling guilty. These Cookie Dough Bars are JUST that. Ooegy, gooey, and super duper delicious – these bars are bound to satisfy. Packed with protein and a secret ingredient (that I can promise you no one would ever know about), these bars will satisfy your sweet tooth and curb your sugar cravings.

Desserts, Food, Home Page

February 21, 2017

Healthy Cookie Dough Bars

Do you spend hours in front of your closet every morning only to determine that you “can’t find anything to wear”? Though i’m not typically a person that takes forever getting ready (too lazy honestly), picking out an outfit for work can take forever. When I have restrictions on what I can wear, I have a hard time getting creative.

When I was younger, thinking about having to wear “work attire” made me absolutely cringe. I always pictured black pants suits, 2-inch patent leather heels, and terrible ill-fitting blazers. While i’m sure that there’s still a lot of that out there, I determined at an early age that that ainnnnnt me. After realizing that not all work clothes were boring, as I got older I grew to love everything dressy. Like c’mon, this blazer vest? This is too good to pass up.

Home Page, Outfits

February 7, 2017

Suited Up

While i’m not a huge sandwich girl, this is one that I could eat every day. Any time that I have these ingredients on hand, I make this for as many meals that I can. Between the hummus and avocado, this has loads of healthy fats and protein. This plant based powerhouse is perfect for bringing to school, work, or anywhere in between. Though this isn’t your typical sandwich (lunch meat, etc.), I can promise that it will please everyone on your list. Its hearty, filling, and endlessly delicious. I always think about making two 😉

Entrees, Food, Home Page

February 4, 2017

Smashed Avocado Hummus Sandwich

Attention all animal lovers & compassionate souls: the cruelty-free skin care and beauty brands have grown SO much in the past couple of years. While it used to be tough to find products that aren’t tested on animals, today it’s totally possible, you just might have to look a little harder. While i’m not huge in to make up (pretty much because I don’t know what i’m doing with it hahah, beauty bloggers send help pls), I do care about skincare. After going vegan last year, I decided to make the change in other aspects of my life as well. While obviously I wasn’t going to waste anything I already had, I used the products up until they were done then searched for new cruelty free options.

Home Page, Lifestyle

January 30, 2017

Cruelty Free Skin Care Faves

While there are definitely a lot of inconveniences that come with snow, there’s also a lot of beauty. Theres just something so nice about waking up and seeing the snow falling down. It’s so serene. We live in such a fast paced world but when the snow falls, everyone seems to slooooow down.

Home Page, Outfits

January 8, 2017

Snow Day Vibes

Though it’s hard to believe, I used to hate breakfast food. Because I never really used to eat eggs as a kid (they just never sat well with my stomach), I wasn’t into the whole diner / breakfast thing. Ever since I got older and have started cooking however, I began to love breakfast. Waffles, pancakes, you name it. These waffles are hearty, healthy, and down-right delicious.

Breakfast, Food, Home Page

January 2, 2017

Simple Vegan Waffles

Every time winter rolls through, I always find myself getting a little discouraged with my outfit choices. While I love a big comfy sweater and some boots, sometimes the cold leaves me feeling uninspired. You know when you wake up in the morning and it’s freezing so putting on anything other than leggings and a sweater sounds awful? Same, that’s me everyday before work at 6am.

Home Page, Outfits

December 5, 2016

Lace Up Everything

Even though I online shop all year round (kind of a bad habit), Cyber Monday always gives me a reason to go a little more wild. Cyber Monday sales are a perfect excuse to stock up on basics that you need, and fun items that you’ve wanted but were unable to snag via their high cost. […]

Home Page, Outfits

November 27, 2016

Cyber Monday Steals

Even though fall is here in full swing, I’ll never let summer go. Until the temps are 30 and below, I never stop rotating summer pieces into my wardrobe. NJ is totally unpredictable this time of year. Some days you can get away with jeans and a t shirt, when other days you’re freezing cold […]

Home Page, Outfits

November 6, 2016

Bell Sleeved Dreams

Hi guys! Last week I went and stayed in NYC for the weekend. Even though NYC can seem really big and confusing, if you do a little research you will find that there are plenty of things to do within walking distance of wherever you are. I stayed in a hotel in Times Square which was […]

Home Page, Lifestyle

November 2, 2016

Best Vegan Eats in NYC

When I was recently redoing my room, I stumbled upon an old map print that I wasn’t using. Determined not to waste such a neat piece, I decided to make some simple coasters. This DIY is incredibly easy, really cute, and perfect for entertaining. Now you will have enough coasters for everyone at your party, and they’ll […]

Home Page, Lifestyle

October 24, 2016

Map Coaster DIY

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