Hi guys! Today i’m back with another simple DIY.
While i’m definitely a fan of big projects, a lot of times I like making small things that don’t take a lot of time. This DIY is super easy, and requires things that you probably have laying around your house. When I saw these old school coke bottles, I knew that there was a cute way to use them. You can use any bottles that you have laying around or purchase some at Goodwill for a few dollars. While I ended up using ones that were all the same size, I think this would look awesome with bottles of different sizes, and paint of different colors. Feel free to make this project as unique as you want & have fun with it!

What you will need:
- a hot glue gun
- parchment paper
- baking sheet
- paint
- twine
- 3 glass bottles

How to:
- Squirt the paint from your jar into each glass bottle. There’s no specific amount, you just need enough to cover the entire inside.
- Twirl and spin the bottles around in your hands so that the paint coats the entire inside of each bottle. If there are bare parts, squirt some more paint inside and roll them around a little more.
- One the inside is coated, stand them upside down onto your baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
- Let them stand for a few minutes so that all of the excess paint comes out, then lay them down on a clean part of the parchment paper to dry.
- Once they are dry, heat up your hot glue gun and glue the 3 bottles together into a triangle shape.
- Add a dot of glue on the bottom of the bottles, and at the top of the neck where they touch.
- Once they are glued together, start wrapping your twine. I suggest adding a dot of twine to the spot where you want to start wrapping to keep the twine from moving.
- Keep wrapping the twine you are satisfied with the look. (I didn’t do a specific amount, I just stopped when I liked where it was at. I also added extra dots of hot glue throughout the wrapping process so that the twine stayed together and tight).
- Once you are at the end of your twine where you want to stop wrapping, glue it to the row above it and smooth the two together.
- You’re done! Garnish your vase with pretty flowers or simply use it as a centerpiece on a table.

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